Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Its almost the end of the period  and ive just produce  over £1000+ of retail from 77 orders how cool is that.....  and OH no what this... 

OH know out of stocks what shall i do ...oh woe is me " shall i be a Cow or a  Rino ?" .. I know.... I put more catalogues out and guess what I got more orders which means more retail which means I`m building up my CB and guess what it means Im moving my business  forward.  I just love my catalogues it helps me build my business i get to network with others while im out and about, Kleeneze is all about networking and using all the rods in the pod not just one or two but all of them

While doing my catalogues im totally in control of my activity i have no one window shopping  or never  letting me down when they say the turn up and they don't and when a customer says " oh Ian I don't have the money with me i forgot your were coming can you come tomorrow " I know i will get payed it such a simple process and Kleeneze give such excellent  support it second to  no one and with the sale of kleeneze to CVSL it can only mean one thing and I  believe it just one word and that is... well I let you tell me what do you think it is ?

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