Monday, 10 November 2014

DO BOTH....Its very important of doing both online selling and doing your catalogues so anyone who start with Kleeneze can understand both side of the business. Show new Team Members what was shown to you by your sponsor and then duplication with set in and then your new team members become sponsors them self's.
Almost 3 years ago I was show how important it is by putting your catalogues out and the how important it is to do flying and making calls.
Now almost 3 years on my business has grown even more with the online selling side so now i have a catalogue business and a online business by combining the two rods i have a strong and stable business but you should never stop and always keep going I have and these are my results of my pick up to day. it just shows you if you don't quit and keep on keeping on Kleeneze magic will happen here out of 30 catalogues I collected in orders almost £500 with one order over £68 and its only Monday so come on#doboth I do
Kleeneze is one word "Magical"

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