Monday, 29 July 2013

The 3 rules that I live by to make my Kleeneze business a success it is

1  Dedication
2  belief in your goals that i set my self
3  Hard work and commitment

To achieve anything you need to be dedicated to it, and pull out all the stops to achieve the goals you have set your self.  You should have long term goals, medium size goals and instant goals

To achieve your goals you need to developed belief to get belief you need hard work and commitment

So every week Monday i look back on the week before and take a look at what ive done and what i have achieved and to see how i can improve the out come for the following week.

If something you have found works keep it if not throw it away and don't take the class

the only person that going to make your Kleeneze business a success is you I still here bang on about get your self  a better job with better pay I still get prospects that start and then disappear with out a trace 

I still moan at my sponsor but the difference is I moved on and I have leant one big lesson I have taken  the lesson  on have we treat the word "NO"

It taken 19mts to understand the word "NO"  but now I have finally understand it and this is why My Kleeneze business is a success for me because ive embraced the word  "NO" and i do not taken it personally if some says "NO once you have taken this class you will succeed in my option but its taken dedication,belief, and hard work to understand it fully.

To me Kleeneze is not all about Money Money Money to me Kleeneze is about a way of life and the opportunitys that it can bring to me Ive have read recently that its Kleeneze is cult and your being brain washed into making Kleeneze richer and they do not care about people. I say what load of rubbish one thing that Kleeneze has done for me is to help me read ? I am dyslexic and  before Kleeneze i never ever read a book now im reading all the time i fill my mind with knowledge as knowledge is the key behind every good business so invest in knowledge  and fill you mind

and always remember Kleeneze is just one word to me and that is " MAGICAL"

And Mondays to me is the best day of the week because Ive got a whole new week to look forward to :O)

Sunday, 21 July 2013

My Time at Warrington Live 2013

Me and Lisa Buke (Sales Director at Kleeneze)
Me and Jean and Mike Day
Me and the Legend John Hawkes at Warrinton Live 2013


Collecing my 15% from Lisa Buke and Craig White

Friday, 19 July 2013

Good Mornihg Kleeneze It another  "MAGICAL" day in Kleeneze the sun is out and the sky is blue and its the start of a new period.

So I have set my self a challange ( I love a challange )  this period and set my self a target by the end of period 8 i hope to achieve £3000 turn over and deliver 4000 catalouges

So  I will delliver 1000 catalouge per week ( Starting today )
and have orders of around £550 to £ 750 per week

will this happen ? well i dont have a clue but it will be hard work and a lot of fun I have 24hrs in one day I intend to use 15 hrs of them per day

I got a plan I got the catalouges and I have the work ethic so what stopping me ? well  nothing so I will report back at the end of period and let everyone know as some people say to me i must be mad working all these hours and not getting rewarded for it

well i dissagee for now I am willing to work hard and i am willing to put the hours in for little reward but I know that Kleeneze is
 " MAGICAL " and you have to be patient some get  to gold quicker than others and some might take a few years but just imagine how I will feel when i achieve gold it will be " MAGIACAL ".

So come on people work your kleeneze bussiness and kleeneze will work for you dont be put off by others telling you it will never work its people that dont work dont let other distroy your goals

work hard to achieve your goals and show others how it can be done

give up and you will lose and go back to the life you once had

work hard and your Goals will come true

Kleeneze one word " MAGICAL "

Monday, 8 July 2013

Welcome to another "MAGICAL" Monday with  Kleeneze

With your Kleeneze Business you need 3 things to move forward

3...Will Power

1. Passion enthusiasm, or desire for something well in our case Kleeneze I have tons of passion as I love the work I do and enjoy the people I meet when you have the passion your business will grow

2. The relationship between belief and knowledge is that a belief is knowledge if the belief is true. If you belief in what you are try to achive then nothing can stop you  I believe I will be successful In my Kleeneze business because I believe in what i trying to achive and I will be achieving success no matter how long its takes . SO believe in what you are doing

3 Will power , training and control of oneself and one's conduct, usually for personal improvement. So try and improve your self every day do something more than you did yesterday there no need to rush take baby steps have the will power to succeed as you will face many challenges along the way in you kleeneze business.

So I try to improve my Kleeneze business every day weather that dropping and extra 100 catalogues or weather that call and extra 20 prospects ( Try the 20-10-1 ) this is a great way to bring prospect in to your Kleeneze business.

For those who don't know 20-10-1 it part of Jackie White Training and it works so give it a try

Be passionate
have the belief
and have the will power

and go and and make your Kleeneze the best it can be

Kleeneze one word " MAGICAL"

Monday, 1 July 2013

Good Morning Kleeneze another " MAGICAL" Monday

So you have got your  Kleeneze business running but it stuck in 2nd gear and all you here is people telling you when are you going to get a normal job?

If this is happening to you  ask you self 3 questions

1 If you were not doing Kleeneze  you would to be working for a boss and getting up every Monday morning dragging your self to work :O( is this is what you want ?

2 If you not doing Kleeneze would you have the opportunity to increase you money every 4 weeks would you get a bouns every 4 weeks in a normal job ?

3 If you not doing Kleeneze would your time be your own and not the company your working for ?

What you must ask your self is what important to you, for me personally  its not about the money
( sure it helps) that i can achieve with Kleeneze, for me its all about being successful and giving my CB the service they deserve as they support me.

So the next time someone tries to be negative about Kleeneze tell them what Kleeneze is about tell them its about YOU

I here that some Kleeneze distributors  moan about others doing Kleeneze in there area or some else has dropped there books before you have and you had a poor pick up ( it happens to us all )  and I will never make any money and then go on and say we should have territories like Betterware  I say I like the freedom to go anywhere i like not to be tied down to an area as it give my Kleeneze business the chance to grow

If you find that some else has done an area before you think ok if some else has done this area there must be customers that like Kleeneze don't be put off by others doing the same as you as when i go to a new area and blanket drop and come back after a poor pick up I don't say well im not going there again waste of time I look for a posative and say that`s a good area as this area likes Kleeneze.  You could say well Im treading on some else CB and this not fare I say if a customer wants to buy from you they will if not  they will tell you and remind you that they have already have a Kleeneze distrbtor then all you do then is take them of your list

I like to say there is a type of customer that will always purchase there shopping from Tesco`s and there are some that will only go to Aldi do these two high street brands worry about each other? no of course not what they do is try and be the better company and they always serve the CB

There is a saying the grass is never greener over the hill, well I say have you every climbed the hill to have a look? there a positive in everything you do and say,  there is an opportunity in every thing we do there are loads of customers/prospect out there waiting for you to turn up so let go and serve our CB and tell our prospects today and bring home the Kleeneze magic

Kleeneze one one " MAGICAL"